Saturday, December 17, 2016

Screenprinting without using a computer

In screen printing it is typical for people to print the image on transparencies from Adobe programs such as Photoshop. I'm an artist that likes to work with my hands, and my screen printing process has eliminated the use of a computer completely.

I start by going to the place that is my inspiration, and make a colored sketch that will become my screen printed image.
I'll use the sketch to trace the different colors using transparency paper and oil based pens called Deco Color.
I double layer all of my transparency paper and trace everything twice to make sure that no light travels through my image area.
I draw all of my layers of color before burning my screens.
Then it's time to print the image to look as close to the sketch as possible. I know it wouldn't look exactly similar due to the change in medium.
Council Crest, Screenprint on BFK, September 2016

So I hope your inspired to take some extra time to get off the computer and use your hands!!

Check out my website:
To purchase my art check out my Etsy: Store
To see more in progress images check out my Instgram: @roaming_creator